Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Puisi: Keep Yearning

Teruslah kau merindu..

Ia dicipta sang biang cinta,
ciptaan tanpa cela.

Ia melampaui ribuan doa,
melampaui harapan
dan cita.

Teruslah kau merindu..

Tak kau lihat aku
depan matamu,

Tak pula aku hilang dari

Hingga saat kau hadirkanku
dalam penuh ruang
dan waktumu

Teruslah kau merindu..

Bukankah Ia yang
jadikan dua adalah


(Bandung, 2016)

Rabu, 01 Maret 2017

Poem: Garden of Roses [2]

They have come
to trade my
garden of roses
with a mine of gold.

I refuse!

They have come
to trade my
garden of roses
with heaven and all.

I refuse!

Then, my dear,
you came
with only one
single smile.

The garden of roses
in me,
became yours

for free.

(Bandung, 2017)

Minggu, 22 Januari 2017

Poem: Garden of Roses [1]

A rose
You've planted
my heart beats,

it grows,
it spreads,
and blossoms forth.

I'll watch over it
to the root,
'till none dare retard it.

When you come back,
my dear,

you'll find garden
of roses

in me.

(Jatinangor 2017)

Senin, 21 November 2016

Poem: I Am Drowning

The shore
bring me back
the thought of your hair,

The wind
bring me back
the thought of your voice,

The reef
bring me back
the thought of your courage,

The ocean
bring me back
the thought of your eyes,

The fish within
bring me back
the thought of myself.

I am drowning.

(Jatinangor, 2016)

Selasa, 15 November 2016

Puisi: Api Kepada Dingin

(Taken by Wong)

Tidakkah kau lihat,

Lidah api tidak pernah
membunuh Dingin.

Tidakkah kau mafhum,

Lidah api tidak pernah
membunuh Dingin

Mereka bercumbu
menjadi satu

menjadi Puisi

(Jatinangor, 2016)